Holy Spirit

For those of you who listened to Holy Spirit & Fire Conference last night heard My servant, Nathan French and to many he looked drunk for he was laughing, rapping and giddy! For he was full of Holy Spirit and and the Spirit in him was Very Excited for Holy Spirit said through him that It Has Started! What you ask? The fulfillment of My Promise that I spoke to Joel where I said that I will pour out My Spirit on all people! (Joel 2:28) So~in the midst of this darkness on the earth, Holy Spirit will begin to move in such a way that has never been done before! And behold this move of Holy Spirit will also partner and converge with what Tim Sheets is doing through the Healing Summit. For I have seen the need for Holy Spirit to come and invade Earth and this will Counter the enemy’s schemes and also Holy Spirit will embolden My Remnant and also empower her as well! For this is all a part of the darkness losing its grip and ushering My Light and Kingdom to Replace it! For I have so many wonderful things in store for you~for miracles are on the way!


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