I Will Turn The Tables

For things are changing rapidly in this country now~for just as the democrats were celebrating their win in the court system~they’re already seeing the Boomerang! For DJT’s support is growing in a way never expected~not only by mouth, but financially too! And just as former President’s had Never Been charged with a crime before in history~Now the Door has been opened to Possibilities for their foolish acts will come to haunt them in a way they Never Expected! Oh what a web they have weaved and this summer I, the God of Justice will Have My Way! For when My Son was in the temple filled with anger at how the money changers were deceiving and bribing people and overturned the tables (Matthew 21:12, 13) and so I in My disgust of the Justice System here in America will Turn the Tables on those who have thought they could do anything they please. Ha! They Will Be Held Accountable By ME and they will Learn There Is A God that they Have To Answer To! And you, My Army of Light will Receive Your Reward too for the Reaping of what you have sown will Come to Pass!

Psalms 53:1 “The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt and evil and have committed repulsive injustice. There is no one who does good.”

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”



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