The Celebration

Oh my~if you could see the celebration that is going on in heaven~for they are dancing and worshipping as they know what is going to happen on earth~for it will be said~how the mighty have fallen~never to get up again! For I have released my angels onto the earth and there will be Great Upheaval that will occur in the enemy’s camp. For whatever they put their hand to, Nothing Will Succeed! And then after many continuous tries, they will get desperate and try to lead this country into a nuclear war! But Remember I AM aware of our enemy’s plans, BUT MINE ARE GREATER and the forever loser will be overcome BY MY POWER! And Everyone Will Know There Is a God! And soon this celebration will not only be in heaven—but on the earth as well!

Psalms 36:12 “See how the evildoers lie fallen—thrown down not able to rise!”

Psalms 58:11 “Then people will say, ‘Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.”



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