The Momentum

Have you ever been to a football game and one team was dominating another and then there was an interception and the momentum changed from one team to another? For this is what is happening here in America! For so long the deep state and the cabal called the shots in Every Area of your life—But Now the momentum has changed from them to the Anointed Ones that I have chosen to engage in this war and to bring change across this country so that the Light Completely Overtakes the Darkness! For there is so much happening behind the scenes that cannot be spoken of just yet but there is coming an event that will be the catalyst that will SHAKE YOU COMPLETELY FREE and then the arrests will clearly be seen and all that has been happening without your knowledge will be shared! This time is fast approaching for the enemy’s timeline is getting smaller and smaller. And this will be a sign to you that the deep state has lost complete control is when you hear and see Truth reported on the MSM! For that will be a MARKER that the Light Has Triumphed Over Darkness!

John 1:5 “And this Light never fails to shine through darkness—Light that darkness could not overcome!”


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