
For the deep state is right where I want them—TRAPPED! For they are laughing at what the think they did to DJT but watch this BOOMERANG on them in a way they would Never Believe! For they opened the Door Wide (the year of the Open Door) for Justice to Prevail and they will be Shocked at what the future brings! For the deep state’s future will come to nothing and all their secrets of evil deeds will be known! For My Plans are being fulfilled each and everyday and soon you will be shown what has been happening behind the scenes for years! For the momentum has shifted from the darkness to the light. For the darkness is losing their power more and more and soon many will not be seen for they will have been judged by ME. So it has been mentioned often that there will be a time of darkness coming~where the deep state tries in a desperate attempt to take their control back but it will FAIL and their rule will Completely END! Rejoice My Army of Light that We Are Winning!

Proverbs 12:13 “The wicked will get trapped by their words of gossip, slander and lies. But the righteous, honesty is its own defense.”



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