Truth Being Revealed

For I AM on the move now against our enemies in a manner never seen before! For even Dr. Fauci is afraid for his life and his family’s. But is he repentant? Is he sorry? For his reaction to the death threats is fear; but not remorse and this reaction will be seen often now for they (the deep state) feel bad that they were caught but not sorry for their death agenda and their complete involvement in it!  And this mindset of pride will be a detriment to the deep state for they have no concept of being wrong but They Will Pay for their evil deeds for this is the Time of Truth Being Revealed for Hiding Is No Longer An Option and soon Truth will be believed whether one is liberal or conservative and this will lead many to anger and depression for many have side effects and didn’t want to admit the cause of it. But I have a response for this as well for I will reach out to them in their need.

Psalms 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”



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