On Fire!

So~once again I AM bringing up the Healing Summit. And you ask why~why again Lord? And I will tell you why. For I AM going to use the Healing Summit not only to bring healing, deliverance and restoration of relationships but I AM also placing My Focus on the church. For she needs to be re-directed into My Purposes for her. For many are filled with the spirit of religion, much like the Pharisees were when I was on the earth. For even now the demons are noticing in the spirit realm an excitement growing in anticipation of Holy Spirit power being released—so they are now working to diffuse this event by bringing lies and deception into people’s hearts. But this is where you come in My Army of Light for I need your prayers to fight off this attack. For I AM going to share a verse with you from My Word and I want you to pray into this verse by demolishing arguments and every pretension…and then take every thought captive to make it obedient. For I want you to Defend this Healing Summit in the natural realm so that it also occurs in the spirit realm as well for My Purpose is to set My Church On Fire! Come now My Army of Light and Participate in this Glorious Happening when Holy Spirit Floods His Church with His Power!

II Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Pretension-the laying of a claim to something; a claim or title to something.


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