Will Prevail

For many of you were shaken yesterday by the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, but see your prayers and decrees placed a shield around him and the shots were deflected except his ear was grazed by one. But this should be Proof of My Word that says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16b) For this assassination attempt has put many things in motion for My anger is aroused at Our enemies’ plans to take My David down. So watch as My Judgments fall in the coming days for they have never dealt with Heaven’s Fury before! For I will Not Let Our Enemies Get By With This Evil Attempt for they have crossed the line and they will Pay For It! But you, My Army of Light Do Not Fear and Do Not Be Discouraged for My Warring angels will protect My David, but I adjure you to continue to pray for him, his family and those he works with for the deep state is in a frenzy to get rid of President Trump for he stands in their way of their evil agendas of bringing total control of this country. For this war that has been going on between good and evil will now be heated up to a more grander scale for My Plans are in motion and will PREVAIL!

Jeremiah 1:19 “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord.”


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