Radical Change

For President Trump is announcing and giving notice to the deep state that he’s not going to put up with lawlessness any longer! For he has always said that he is for law and order! For every new appointed leader is one that will not be bribed and/or coerced to be manipulated and controlled by the deep state for they are all men and women of moral character and will stand and support the constitution Completely! For this new administration that is being formed will be a force against the deep state that will not tolerate treason and anything that counters being safe in America. For I say that the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution will No Longer Be Ignored or Neglected by the courts—the Supreme Court and every justice system throughout America but instead it will be adhered to FULLY! And soon you will be safe walking down the street during the day and at night! And the police will have the support they need and respect will be given them as well. For this is a Time of Radical Change and all a part of America Being Restored!


  1. Praise the Lord Almighty God! HALLELUJAH!

  2. Amen!! Thank you, Lord, our police need our support and respect! They do so much for us. Love it!!


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