So Let’s Begin!

For those of you who have chosen to fast—behold you are making a difference against hell! For do you recall the story of the boy who was filled with a demon and the disciples tried but could not help the boy? Then I came on the scene and I dealt with the deaf and mute spirit and I commanded it to leave. Later My disciples asked ME why they couldn’t cast out the demon and I responded that this type of powerful spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer. (Mark 9:17-29) And so it is even to this day. And I say to those that are fasting and praying to come against the principality ruling over America and send forth the archangel Michael to completely decimate it and defeat it, No Longer to rule over you again! For you have been chosen and formed to be kings and priests that shall reign on the earth…SO LET’S BEGIN!


  1. FATHER, I didn't realize how much powerful fasting with prayers to defeat the principalities of evils of darkness. Father, please give strength to fasting if it only a meal.


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