Great Things

For I AM the Lord and I AM about to do Great Things in your midst. For I AM wrecking havoc in the enemy’s camp for I have released the spirits of confusion and fear and they are doing their job! For they are unable to think straight and they are riddled with panic and fear for they know the writing is on the wall and all the money laundering that has been done from the taxes from the American people have found its way into their bank accounts. And they are hearing the chatter that they personally will be audited too. They are so afraid~just like in 2016 when they all thought Hillary would win~now they never thought their bank accounts would be under scrutiny. They never believed they would be held accountable~just like they never thought My David would be President again! For It’s Time and Justice will come knocking and There Will Be No Escape!

Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is served, the lovers of God celebrate and rejoice, but the wicked begin to panic.”


  1. God always wins!! Take that devil! We are storming the gates of hell with the Almighty God and taking back what the enemy stole!

  2. Praise be to Jesus our redeemer. From Montgomery, Texas


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