I AM Cleansing America!
For the deep state is in a panic, like a frenzy~for all their ways of obtaining money through the government will be coming to light~no longer hidden. For all their money laundering schemes are coming front and center. For President Trump is Very Aware of what has been going on and he is Done with all the handshakes, winks and nods of bribes and all so he is doing things that will STOP this continuous lining of the pockets of politicians through using your tax dollars—the American people! For your government will be going through a HUGE DOWNSIZING and CLEANSING like Never Before for this is My Doing for in order for ME to Use America and for her to be a Light, the darkness needs to Leave and this is the Very Thing I AM doing—from the Top Down I AM Cleansing America!
Ezekiel 36:25-27 “I will sprinkle purifying water over you and you will be cleansed from all the filth of your past. I will wash you clean from the defilement of worshiping false gods. I will graciously give you a new, tender heart and put a new, willing spirit inside you. I will remove your hard heart of stone and give you an obedient, responsive heart instead. I will put my Holy Spirit in you to empower you to keep my laws and to live by them.”
Amen!!! May it be as you have said, Lord !!! 🙌🏻
ReplyDeleteTop down cleansing!!! How we have waited for these days!!! May You receive all the praise glory and honor for Your mighty works!!!
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord Almighty God! Lord, I have been waiting for this time. Cleanse me all over to be use all I can do in the Kingdom Age.
ReplyDeleteTop down!👊 Yes and Amen!