It’s Coming!

For justice is coming to America hot and heavy, fast and furious from every direction for My Angel Armies have settled in for this Great Turnaround that is in progress. And they have come wielding their swords and tearing down the strangleholds of wickedness, thievery, and violence that has taken over America. For slowly and surely the sleeping ones are awakening to the reality of the liberal agenda of destroying America. And soon Every media outlet will be attesting to the Reality of the goodness of President Trump and the great job he is doing to Make America Great Again! For what is coming and the Truth that will be Released of long-standing beliefs will be shattered and when all is Revealed~a Great Unity Will Fall Upon America! It’s Coming!

Psalms 133:1 “How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!”


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